= SpawnSchabbs
void SpawnSchabbs (int tilex, int tiley)
unsigned far *map,tile;
if (DigiMode != sds_Off)
s_schabbdie2.tictime = 140;
s_schabbdie2.tictime = 5;
SpawnNewObj (tilex,tiley,&s_schabbstand);
new->speed = SPDPATROL;
new->obclass = schabbobj;
new->hitpoints = starthitpoints[gamestate.difficulty][en_schabbs];
new->dir = south;
if (!loadedgame)
= SpawnGift
void SpawnGift (int tilex, int tiley)
unsigned far *map,tile;
if (DigiMode != sds_Off)
s_giftdie2.tictime = 140;
s_giftdie2.tictime = 5;
SpawnNewObj (tilex,tiley,&s_giftstand);
new->speed = SPDPATROL;
new->obclass = giftobj;
new->hitpoints = starthitpoints[gamestate.difficulty][en_gift];
new->dir = north;
if (!loadedgame)
= SpawnFat
void SpawnFat (int tilex, int tiley)
unsigned far *map,tile;
if (DigiMode != sds_Off)
s_fatdie2.tictime = 140;
s_fatdie2.tictime = 5;
SpawnNewObj (tilex,tiley,&s_fatstand);
new->speed = SPDPATROL;
new->obclass = fatobj;
new->hitpoints = starthitpoints[gamestate.difficulty][en_fat];
new->dir = south;
if (!loadedgame)
= T_SchabbThrow
void T_SchabbThrow (objtype *ob)
long deltax,deltay;
float angle;
int iangle;
deltax = player->x - ob->x;
deltay = ob->y - player->y;
angle = atan2 (deltay,deltax);
if (angle<0)
angle = M_PI*2+angle;
iangle = angle/(M_PI*2)*ANGLES;
GetNewActor ();
new->state = &s_needle1;
new->ticcount = 1;
new->tilex = ob->tilex;
new->tiley = ob->tiley;
new->x = ob->x;
new->y = ob->y;
new->obclass = needleobj;
new->dir = nodir;
new->angle = iangle;
new->speed = 0x2000l;
new->flags = FL_NONMARK;
new->active = true;
PlaySoundLocActor (SCHABBSTHROWSND,new);
= T_GiftThrow
void T_GiftThrow (objtype *ob)
long deltax,deltay;
float angle;
int iangle;
deltax = player->x - ob->x;
deltay = ob->y - player->y;
angle = atan2 (deltay,deltax);
if (angle<0)
angle = M_PI*2+angle;
iangle = angle/(M_PI*2)*ANGLES;
GetNewActor ();
new->state = &s_rocket;
new->ticcount = 1;
new->tilex = ob->tilex;
new->tiley = ob->tiley;
new->x = ob->x;
new->y = ob->y;
new->obclass = rocketobj;
new->dir = nodir;
new->angle = iangle;
new->speed = 0x2000l;
new->flags = FL_NONMARK;
new->active = true;
PlaySoundLocActor (MISSILEFIRESND,new);
= T_Schabb
void T_Schabb (objtype *ob)
long move;
int dx,dy,dist;
boolean dodge;
dodge = false;
dx = abs(ob->tilex - player->tilex);
dy = abs(ob->tiley - player->tiley);
dist = dx>dy ? dx : dy;
if (CheckLine(ob)) // got a shot at player?
if ( US_RndT() < (tics<<3) )
// go into attack frame
NewState (ob,&s_schabbshoot1);
dodge = true;
if (ob->dir == nodir)
if (dodge)
SelectDodgeDir (ob);
SelectChaseDir (ob);
if (ob->dir == nodir)
return; // object is blocked in
move = ob->speed*tics;
while (move)
if (ob->distance < 0)
// waiting for a door to open
OpenDoor (-ob->distance-1);
if (doorobjlist[-ob->distance-1].action != dr_open)
ob->distance = TILEGLOBAL; // go ahead, the door is now
if (move < ob->distance)
MoveObj (ob,move);
// reached goal tile, so select another one
// fix position to account for round off during moving
ob->x = ((long)ob->tilex<y = ((long)ob->tiley<distance;
if (dist <4)
SelectRunDir (ob);
else if (dodge)
SelectDodgeDir (ob);
SelectChaseDir (ob);
if (ob->dir == nodir)
return; // object is blocked in
= T_Gift
void T_Gift (objtype *ob)
long move;
int dx,dy,dist;
boolean dodge;
dodge = false;
dx = abs(ob->tilex - player->tilex);
dy = abs(ob->tiley - player->tiley);
dist = dx>dy ? dx : dy;
if (CheckLine(ob)) // got a shot at player?
if ( US_RndT() < (tics<<3) )
// go into attack frame
NewState (ob,&s_giftshoot1);
dodge = true;
if (ob->dir == nodir)
if (dodge)
SelectDodgeDir (ob);
SelectChaseDir (ob);
if (ob->dir == nodir)
return; // object is blocked in
move = ob->speed*tics;
while (move)
if (ob->distance < 0)
// waiting for a door to open
OpenDoor (-ob->distance-1);
if (doorobjlist[-ob->distance-1].action != dr_open)
ob->distance = TILEGLOBAL; // go ahead, the door is now
if (move < ob->distance)
MoveObj (ob,move);
// reached goal tile, so select another one
// fix position to account for round off during moving
ob->x = ((long)ob->tilex<y = ((long)ob->tiley<distance;
if (dist <4)
SelectRunDir (ob);
else if (dodge)
SelectDodgeDir (ob);
SelectChaseDir (ob);
if (ob->dir == nodir)
return; // object is blocked in
= T_Fat
void T_Fat (objtype *ob)
long move;
int dx,dy,dist;
boolean dodge;
dodge = false;
dx = abs(ob->tilex - player->tilex);
dy = abs(ob->tiley - player->tiley);
dist = dx>dy ? dx : dy;
if (CheckLine(ob)) // got a shot at player?
if ( US_RndT() < (tics<<3) )
// go into attack frame
NewState (ob,&s_fatshoot1);
dodge = true;
if (ob->dir == nodir)
if (dodge)
SelectDodgeDir (ob);
SelectChaseDir (ob);
if (ob->dir == nodir)
return; // object is blocked in
move = ob->speed*tics;
while (move)
if (ob->distance < 0)
// waiting for a door to open
OpenDoor (-ob->distance-1);
if (doorobjlist[-ob->distance-1].action != dr_open)
ob->distance = TILEGLOBAL; // go ahead, the door is now
if (move < ob->distance)
MoveObj (ob,move);
// reached goal tile, so select another one
// fix position to account for round off during moving
ob->x = ((long)ob->tilex<y = ((long)ob->tiley<distance;
if (dist <4)
SelectRunDir (ob);
else if (dodge)
SelectDodgeDir (ob);
SelectChaseDir (ob);
if (ob->dir == nodir)
return; // object is blocked in
// fake
extern statetype s_fakestand;
extern statetype s_fakechase1;
extern statetype s_fakechase1s;
extern statetype s_fakechase2;
extern statetype s_fakechase3;
extern statetype s_fakechase3s;
extern statetype s_fakechase4;
extern statetype s_fakedie1;
extern statetype s_fakedie2;
extern statetype s_fakedie3;
extern statetype s_fakedie4;
extern statetype s_fakedie5;
extern statetype s_fakedie6;
extern statetype s_fakeshoot1;
extern statetype s_fakeshoot2;
extern statetype s_fakeshoot3;
extern statetype s_fakeshoot4;
extern statetype s_fakeshoot5;
extern statetype s_fakeshoot6;
extern statetype s_fakeshoot7;
extern statetype s_fakeshoot8;
extern statetype s_fakeshoot9;
extern statetype s_fire1;
extern statetype s_fire2;
statetype s_fakestand =
statetype s_fakechase1 =
statetype s_fakechase1s = {false,SPR_FAKE_W1,3,NULL,NULL,&s_fakechase2};
statetype s_fakechase2 =
statetype s_fakechase3 =
statetype s_fakechase3s = {false,SPR_FAKE_W3,3,NULL,NULL,&s_fakechase4};
statetype s_fakechase4 =
statetype s_fakedie1 =
statetype s_fakedie2 = {false,SPR_FAKE_DIE2,10,NULL,NULL,&s_fakedie3};
statetype s_fakedie3 = {false,SPR_FAKE_DIE3,10,NULL,NULL,&s_fakedie4};
statetype s_fakedie4 = {false,SPR_FAKE_DIE4,10,NULL,NULL,&s_fakedie5};
statetype s_fakedie5 = {false,SPR_FAKE_DIE5,10,NULL,NULL,&s_fakedie6};
statetype s_fakedie6 = {false,SPR_FAKE_DEAD,0,NULL,NULL,&s_fakedie6};
statetype s_fakeshoot1 =
statetype s_fakeshoot2 =
statetype s_fakeshoot3 =
statetype s_fakeshoot4 =
statetype s_fakeshoot5 =
statetype s_fakeshoot6 =
statetype s_fakeshoot7 =
statetype s_fakeshoot8 =
statetype s_fakeshoot9 =
statetype s_fire1 = {false,SPR_FIRE1,6,NULL,T_Projectile,&s_fire2};
statetype s_fire2 = {false,SPR_FIRE2,6,NULL,T_Projectile,&s_fire1};
// hitler
extern statetype s_mechachase1;
extern statetype s_mechachase1s;
extern statetype s_mechachase2;
extern statetype s_mechachase3;
extern statetype s_mechachase3s;
extern statetype s_mechachase4;
extern statetype s_mechadie1;
extern statetype s_mechadie2;
extern statetype s_mechadie3;
extern statetype s_mechadie4;
extern statetype s_mechashoot1;
extern statetype s_mechashoot2;
extern statetype s_mechashoot3;
extern statetype s_mechashoot4;
extern statetype s_mechashoot5;
extern statetype s_mechashoot6;
extern statetype s_hitlerchase1;
extern statetype s_hitlerchase1s;
extern statetype s_hitlerchase2;
extern statetype s_hitlerchase3;
extern statetype s_hitlerchase3s;
extern statetype s_hitlerchase4;
extern statetype s_hitlerdie1;
extern statetype s_hitlerdie2;
extern statetype s_hitlerdie3;
extern statetype s_hitlerdie4;
extern statetype s_hitlerdie5;
extern statetype s_hitlerdie6;
extern statetype s_hitlerdie7;
extern statetype s_hitlerdie8;
extern statetype s_hitlerdie9;
extern statetype s_hitlerdie10;
extern statetype s_hitlershoot1;
extern statetype s_hitlershoot2;
extern statetype s_hitlershoot3;
extern statetype s_hitlershoot4;
extern statetype s_hitlershoot5;
extern statetype s_hitlershoot6;
extern statetype s_hitlerdeathcam;
statetype s_mechastand =
statetype s_mechachase1 =
statetype s_mechachase1s =
statetype s_mechachase2 =
statetype s_mechachase3 =
statetype s_mechachase3s =
statetype s_mechachase4 =
statetype s_mechadie1 =
statetype s_mechadie2 =
statetype s_mechadie3 =
statetype s_mechadie4 =
statetype s_mechashoot1 =
statetype s_mechashoot2 =
statetype s_mechashoot3 =
statetype s_mechashoot4 =
statetype s_mechashoot5 =
statetype s_mechashoot6 =
statetype s_hitlerchase1 =
statetype s_hitlerchase1s =
statetype s_hitlerchase2 =
statetype s_hitlerchase3 =
statetype s_hitlerchase3s =
statetype s_hitlerchase4 =
statetype s_hitlerdeathcam =
statetype s_hitlerdie1 =
statetype s_hitlerdie2 =
statetype s_hitlerdie3 =
statetype s_hitlerdie4 =
statetype s_hitlerdie5 =
statetype s_hitlerdie6 =
statetype s_hitlerdie7 =
statetype s_hitlerdie8 =
statetype s_hitlerdie9 =
statetype s_hitlerdie10 =
statetype s_hitlershoot1 =
statetype s_hitlershoot2 =
statetype s_hitlershoot3 =
statetype s_hitlershoot4 =
statetype s_hitlershoot5 =
statetype s_hitlershoot6 =
= SpawnFakeHitler
void SpawnFakeHitler (int tilex, int tiley)
unsigned far *map,tile;
if (DigiMode != sds_Off)
s_hitlerdie2.tictime = 140;
s_hitlerdie2.tictime = 5;
SpawnNewObj (tilex,tiley,&s_fakestand);
new->speed = SPDPATROL;
new->obclass = fakeobj;
new->hitpoints = starthitpoints[gamestate.difficulty][en_fake];
new->dir = north;
if (!loadedgame)
= SpawnHitler
void SpawnHitler (int tilex, int tiley)
unsigned far *map,tile;
if (DigiMode != sds_Off)
s_hitlerdie2.tictime = 140;
s_hitlerdie2.tictime = 5;
SpawnNewObj (tilex,tiley,&s_mechastand);
new->speed = SPDPATROL;
new->obclass = mechahitlerobj;
new->hitpoints = starthitpoints[gamestate.difficulty][en_hitler];
new->dir = south;
if (!loadedgame)
= A_HitlerMorph
void A_HitlerMorph (objtype *ob)
unsigned far *map,tile,hitpoints[4]={500,700,800,900};
SpawnNewObj (ob->tilex,ob->tiley,&s_hitlerchase1);
new->speed = SPDPATROL*5;
new->x = ob->x;
new->y = ob->y;
new->distance = ob->distance;
new->dir = ob->dir;
new->flags = ob->flags | FL_SHOOTABLE;
new->obclass = realhitlerobj;
new->hitpoints = hitpoints[gamestate.difficulty];