= HitHorizPWall
= A pushable wall in action has been hit

void HitHorizPWall (void)
	int			wallpic;
	unsigned	texture,offset;

	texture = (xintercept>>4)&0xfc0;
	offset = pwallpos 10;
	if (ytilestep == -1)
		yintercept += TILEGLOBAL-offset;
		texture = 0xfc0-texture;
		yintercept += offset;

	wallheight[pixx] = CalcHeight();

	if (lasttilehit == tilehit)
		// in the same wall type as last time, so check for optimized draw
		if (texture == (unsigned)postsource)
		// wide scale
			wallheight[pixx] = wallheight[pixx-1];
			ScalePost ();
			(unsigned)postsource = texture;
			postwidth = 1;
			postx = pixx;
	// new wall
		if (lastside != -1)				// if not the first scaled post
			ScalePost ();

		lasttilehit = tilehit;
		postx = pixx;
		postwidth = 1;

		wallpic = horizwall[tilehit&63];

		*( ((unsigned *)&postsource)+1) = (unsigned)PM_GetPage(wallpic);
		(unsigned)postsource = texture;


= HitVertPWall
= A pushable wall in action has been hit

void HitVertPWall (void)
	int			wallpic;
	unsigned	texture,offset;

	texture = (yintercept>>4)&0xfc0;
	offset = pwallpos 10;
	if (xtilestep == -1)
		xintercept += TILEGLOBAL-offset;
		texture = 0xfc0-texture;
		xintercept += offset;

	wallheight[pixx] = CalcHeight();

	if (lasttilehit == tilehit)
		// in the same wall type as last time, so check for optimized draw
		if (texture == (unsigned)postsource)
		// wide scale
			wallheight[pixx] = wallheight[pixx-1];
			ScalePost ();
			(unsigned)postsource = texture;
			postwidth = 1;
			postx = pixx;
	// new wall
		if (lastside != -1)				// if not the first scaled post
			ScalePost ();

		lasttilehit = tilehit;
		postx = pixx;
		postwidth = 1;

		wallpic = vertwall[tilehit&63];

		*( ((unsigned *)&postsource)+1) = (unsigned)PM_GetPage(wallpic);
		(unsigned)postsource = texture;




#if 0
= ClearScreen

void ClearScreen (void)
 unsigned floor=egaFloor[gamestate.episode*10+mapon],

  // clear the screen
asm	mov	dx,GC_INDEX
asm	mov	ax,GC_MODE + 256*2		// read mode 0, write mode 2
asm	out	dx,ax
asm	mov	ax,GC_BITMASK + 255*256
asm	out	dx,ax

asm	mov	dx,40
asm	mov	ax,[viewwidth]
asm	shr	ax,3
asm	sub	dx,ax					// dx = 40-viewwidth/8

asm	mov	bx,[viewwidth]
asm	shr	bx,4					// bl = viewwidth/16
asm	mov	bh,BYTE PTR [viewheight]
asm	shr	bh,1					// half height

asm	mov	ax,[ceiling]
asm	mov	es,[screenseg]
asm	mov	di,[bufferofs]

asm	mov	cl,bl
asm	rep	stosw
asm	add	di,dx
asm	dec	bh
asm	jnz	toploop

asm	mov	bh,BYTE PTR [viewheight]
asm	shr	bh,1					// half height
asm	mov	ax,[floor]

asm	mov	cl,bl
asm	rep	stosw
asm	add	di,dx
asm	dec	bh
asm	jnz	bottomloop

asm	mov	dx,GC_INDEX
asm	mov	ax,GC_MODE + 256*10		// read mode 1, write mode 2
asm	out	dx,ax
asm	mov	al,GC_BITMASK
asm	out	dx,al


unsigned vgaCeiling[]=
#ifndef SPEAR
   0x0f0f,";modf  0x0f0f,0x0f0f,0x0f0f,0x0f0f,0x0f0f,0x0f0f,0x0f0f,0x0f0f,0x0f0f,0x0f0f,
   0x0f0f,";modf  0x0f0f,0x0f0f,0x0f0f,0x0f0f,0x0f0f,0x0f0f,0x0f0f,0x0f0f,0x0f0f,0x0f0f,
   0x0f0f,";modf  0x0f0f,0x0f0f,0x0f0f,0x0f0f,0x0f0f,0x0f0f,0x0f0f,0x0f0f,0x0f0f,0x0f0f,
   0x0f0f,";modf  0x0f0f,0x0f0f,0x0f0f,0x0f0f,0x0f0f,0x0f0f,0x0f0f,0x0f0f,0x0f0f,0x0f0f,
   0x0f0f,";modf  0x0f0f,0x0f0f,0x0f0f,0x0f0f,0x0f0f,0x0f0f,0x0f0f,0x0f0f,0x0f0f,0x0f0f,
   0x0f0f,";modf  0x0f0f,0x0f0f,0x0f0f,0x0f0f,0x0f0f,0x0f0f,0x0f0f,0x0f0f,0x0f0f,0x0f0f
   0x0f0f,";modf  0x0f0f,0x0f0f,0x0f0f,0x0f0f,0x0f0f,0x0f0f,0x0f0f,0x0f0f,0x0f0f,0x0f0f,
   0x0f0f,";modf  0x0f0f,0x0f0f,0x0f0f,0x0f0f,0x0f0f,0x0f0f,0x0f0f,0x0f0f,0x0f0f,0x0f0f,0x0f0f

= VGAClearScreen

void VGAClearScreen (void)
 unsigned ceiling=vgaCeiling[gamestate.episode*10+mapon];

  // clear the screen
asm	mov	dx,SC_INDEX
asm	mov	ax,SC_MAPMASK+15*256	// write through all planes
asm	out	dx,ax

asm	mov	dx,80
asm	mov	ax,[viewwidth]
asm	shr	ax,2
asm	sub	dx,ax					// dx = 40-viewwidth/2

asm	mov	bx,[viewwidth]
asm	shr	bx,3					// bl = viewwidth/8
asm	mov	bh,BYTE PTR [viewheight]
asm	shr	bh,1					// half height

asm	mov	es,[screenseg]
asm	mov	di,[bufferofs]
asm	mov	ax,[ceiling]

asm	mov	cl,bl
asm	rep	stosw
asm	add	di,dx
asm	dec	bh
asm	jnz	toploop

asm	mov	bh,BYTE PTR [viewheight]
asm	shr	bh,1					// half height
asm	mov	ax,0x0f0f  //0x0f0f;modf

asm	mov	cl,bl
asm	rep	stosw
asm	add	di,dx
asm	dec	bh
asm	jnz	bottomloop


= CalcRotate

int	CalcRotate (objtype *ob)
	int	angle,viewangle;

	// this isn't exactly correct, as it should vary by a trig value,
	// but it is close enough with only eight rotations

	viewangle = player->angle + (centerx - ob->viewx)/8;

	if (ob->obclass == rocketobj || ob->obclass == hrocketobj)
		angle =  (viewangle-180)- ob->angle;
		angle =  (viewangle-180)- dirangle[ob->dir];

	while (angle>=ANGLES)
	while (angle0)

	if (ob->state->rotate == 2)             // 2 rotation pain frame
		return 4*(angle/(ANGLES/2));        // seperated by 3 (art layout...)

	return angle/(ANGLES/8);

= DrawScaleds
= Draws all objects that are visable

#define MAXVISABLE	50

typedef struct
	int	viewx,
} visobj_t;

visobj_t	vislist[MAXVISABLE],*visptr,*visstep,*farthest;

void DrawScaleds (void)
	int 		i,j,least,numvisable,height;
	memptr		shape;
	byte		*tilespot,*visspot;
	int			shapenum;
	unsigned	spotloc;

	statobj_t	*statptr;
	objtype		*obj;

	visptr = &vislist[0];

// place static objects
	for (statptr = &statobjlist[0] ; statptr !=laststatobj ; statptr++)
		if ((visptr->shapenum = statptr->shapenum) == -1)
			continue;						// object has been deleted

		if (!*statptr->visspot)
			continue;						// not visable

		if (TransformTile (statptr->tilex,statptr->tiley
			,&visptr->viewx,&visptr->viewheight) && statptr->flags & FL_BONUS)
			GetBonus (statptr);

		if (!visptr->viewheight)
			continue;						// to close to the object

		if (visptr  &vislist[MAXVISABLE-1])	// don't let it overflow

// place active objects
	for (obj = player->next;obj;obj=obj->next)
		if (!(visptr->shapenum = obj->state->shapenum))
			continue;						// no shape

		spotloc = (obj->tilex 6)+obj->tiley;	// optimize: keep in struct?
		visspot = &spotvis[0][0]+spotloc;
		tilespot = &tilemap[0][0]+spotloc;

		// could be in any of the nine surrounding tiles
		if (*visspot
		|| ( *(visspot-1) && !*(tilespot-1) )
		|| ( *(visspot+1) && !*(tilespot+1) )
		|| ( *(visspot-65) && !*(tilespot-65) )
		|| ( *(visspot-64) && !*(tilespot-64) )
		|| ( *(visspot-63) && !*(tilespot-63) )
		|| ( *(visspot+65) && !*(tilespot+65) )
		|| ( *(visspot+64) && !*(tilespot+64) )
		|| ( *(visspot+63) && !*(tilespot+63) ) )
			obj->active = true;
			TransformActor (obj);
			if (!obj->viewheight)
				continue;						// too close or far away

			visptr->viewx = obj->viewx;
			visptr->viewheight = obj->viewheight;
			if (visptr->shapenum == -1)
				visptr->shapenum = obj->temp1;	// special shape

			if (obj->state->rotate)
				visptr->shapenum += CalcRotate (obj);

			if (visptr  &vislist[MAXVISABLE-1])	// don't let it overflow
			obj->flags |= FL_VISABLE;
			obj->flags &= ~FL_VISABLE;

// draw from back to front
	numvisable = visptr-&vislist[0];

	if (!numvisable)
		return;									// no visable objects

	for (i = 0; inumvisable; i++)
		least = 32000;
		for (visstep=&vislist[0] ; visstep visptr ; visstep++)
			height = visstep->viewheight;
			if (height least)
				least = height;
				farthest = visstep;
		// draw farthest

		farthest->viewheight = 32000;



= DrawPlayerWeapon
= Draw the player's hands


void DrawPlayerWeapon (void)
	int	shapenum;

#ifndef SPEAR
	if (gamestate.victoryflag)
		if (player->state == &s_deathcam && (TimeCount&32) )

	if (gamestate.weapon != -1)
		shapenum = weaponscale[gamestate.weapon]+gamestate.weaponframe;

	if (demorecord || demoplayback)


= CalcTics

void CalcTics (void)
	long	newtime,oldtimecount;

// calculate tics since last refresh for adaptive timing
	if (lasttimecount > TimeCount)
		TimeCount = lasttimecount;		// if the game was paused a LONG time

		newtime = TimeCount;
		tics = newtime-lasttimecount;
	} while (!tics);			// make sure at least one tic passes

	lasttimecount = newtime;

		strcpy (scratch,"\tTics:");
		itoa (tics,str,10);
		strcat (scratch,str);
		strcat (scratch,"\n");
		write (profilehandle,scratch,strlen(scratch));

	if (tics>MAXTICS)
		TimeCount -= (tics-MAXTICS);
		tics = MAXTICS;


= FixOfs

void	FixOfs (void)
	VW_ScreenToScreen (displayofs,bufferofs,viewwidth/8,viewheight);


= WallRefresh

void WallRefresh (void)
// set up variables for this view
	viewangle = player->angle;
	midangle = viewangle*(FINEANGLES/ANGLES);
	viewsin = sintable[viewangle];
	viewcos = costable[viewangle];
	viewx = player->x - FixedByFrac(focallength,viewcos);
	viewy = player->y + FixedByFrac(focallength,viewsin);

	focaltx = viewx>>TILESHIFT;
	focalty = viewy>>TILESHIFT;

	viewtx = player->x >> TILESHIFT;
	viewty = player->y >> TILESHIFT;

	xpartialdown = viewx&(TILEGLOBAL-1);
	xpartialup = TILEGLOBAL-xpartialdown;
	ypartialdown = viewy&(TILEGLOBAL-1);
	ypartialup = TILEGLOBAL-ypartialdown;

	lastside = -1;			// the first pixel is on a new wall
	AsmRefresh ();
	ScalePost ();			// no more optimization on last post


= ThreeDRefresh

void	ThreeDRefresh (void)
	int tracedir;

// this wouldn't need to be done except for my debugger/video wierdness
	outportb (SC_INDEX,SC_MAPMASK);

// clear out the traced array
asm	mov	ax,ds
asm	mov	es,ax
asm	mov	di,OFFSET spotvis
asm	xor	ax,ax
asm	mov	cx,2048							// 64*64 / 2
asm	rep stosw

	bufferofs += screenofs;

// follow the walls from there to the right, drawwing as we go
	VGAClearScreen ();

	WallRefresh ();

// draw all the scaled images
	DrawScaleds();			// draw scaled stuff
	DrawPlayerWeapon ();	// draw player's hands

// show screen and time last cycle
	if (fizzlein)
		fizzlein = false;

		lasttimecount = TimeCount = 0;		// don't make a big tic count


	bufferofs -= screenofs;
	displayofs = bufferofs;

	asm	cli
	asm	mov	cx,[displayofs]
	asm	mov	dx,3d4h		// CRTC address register
	asm	mov	al,0ch		// start address high register
	asm	out	dx,al
	asm	inc	dx
	asm	mov	al,ch
	asm	out	dx,al   	// set the high byte
	asm	sti

	bufferofs += SCREENSIZE;
	if (bufferofs > PAGE3START)
		bufferofs = PAGE1START;
